Sunday, January 20, 2008

Grave Mistake

When I read Ralph Peters’ article about Middle East borders I really became surprised. Why? Because he made the same mistake which great powers did after World War I. He believes that previous changes in Mid East borders caused Ethnic Cleansing Works, but he offered the new map which will cause the same act. Losing great parts of their lands, emerging those new states only happens after a new world war in which millions of peoples would die.1. The only way to solve Middle East “crisis” is to leave it for Middle Easterns and not interfering in its affaires.2. U.S war on Iraq and Afghanistan exacerbated the situation and so called “war on terrorism” increased the region hatred from US and its allies.3. Ethnic problems exist all over the world and it’s not for the Middle Easterns. As probably Peter knows, western states are not monolithic too in this matter and have many problems potentially or practically.(for example refer to Huntington’s HOW ARE WE?) But why west wants to exaggerate it in the region? (To me the answer is clear)What should we do if we do not want YOU to solve “our problems”?4. As an Iranian, I can strongly say that although there are many ethnic groups in Iran, but all of them before call themselves Kurd or Baluch etc call themselves Iranian. For centuries, they have lived together without any problem. There was no turmoil in the region without foreign interferences. Historically Iranians have proved that in critical situations became united. The west must fear from rising Iranian NATIONALISM.Thanks God, western statesmen and analysts do not understand Iranian society, culture and great civilization, and permanently doing the same mistakes.

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