Iranian security forces arrested Abdulmalik Rigi, leader of the Jundullah group. Jundullah has in recent years claimed responsibility for several bombing attacks inside Iran that have left dozens or people dead.
Rigi has never denied that his group has some drug trafficking as his main economic backbone. Junullah has the backing of American forces in the region and has a clear relationship with American and Pakistani intelligence. Iran's intelligence minister said that Rigi had spent time at an American military base prior to his arrest. And the Americans had issued Rigi with "an Afghan passport and an identification card for travelling to Pakistan.
What is important in the arrest of Rigi is that the Iranian security forces shown their domination and supervision on the region. Rigi has been supporting by Americans, Pakistani and the Saudi security forces during the past years. In fact these countries directly have involved in terrorism, killing innocent Iranian people, organized crimes drug trafficking etc. it proves again the US double standards in war against terrorism.
Islamic Republic of Iran once again asserts that in spite of the western powers and media's propaganda about Iran's weaknesses, closely monitor and surveillance the situation and can do appropriate actions if necessary to pursue its interest at home and abroad.
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