Saturday, May 8, 2010

NPT Review: Does It Have Any Sense?

NPT Review meeting has been held in New York aiming at altering the NPT articles in order to bolster the Treaty to guarantee that the non nuclear states cannot obtain nuclear weapons. Although this purpose is ideal and excellent per se but we should be realistic about the matter. As it clear the nuclear weapons and the related issues have been categorized as high politics which usually cannot be tolerated by the states easily. As the records and the history of nuclear weapons have been shown the international law and regulations have not been successful in their tasks in this regards i.e. high politics. For example there are some states which regardless to NPT and other international norms became nuclear and now posses the nuclear warheads. Israel, India and Pakistan are in this category. The important point is that the international community did nothing important to deter them and they easily joined the nuclear club. It seems the NPT has become the instrument of imposing pressure to the non nuclear states to gain political advantage. This instrumental view to the international law has been changed it into vain treaty. The bottom line is that the international relations in its high politics nature is not a matter of law so we cannot expect that such conferences resulted in extraordinary gains although it will be useful to some extent. We should bear in mind that it's difficult to apply international laws' norms and rules on high politics nevertheless it's an ideal and desirable aim. So unfortunately we cannot be optimistic about the NPT review from the international law's point of view.

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